
The e’Bosch Project’s popular Moore Night Run is a highlight on Stellenbosch’s athletics calendar. The seventh annual event will commence at 18:30 on Wednesday, 23 October 2019 at the Stellenbosch Primary School sports grounds.

The Moore Night Run is one of the flagship events of the Stellenbosch e’Bosch Heritage Project, which proactively engages most of the Stellenbosch district’s communities in all of its projects.

The buy-in of most of the Stellenbosch District’s neighbourhoods, or ‘dorpies’, has been secured including: Cloetesville; Devon Valley; Ida’s Valley;  Jamestown; Kayamandi; Klapmuts; Kylemore; Lanquedoc; Pniël; Raithby; Stellenbosch Central; Vlottenburg; Wemmershoek; and the farming communities.

New Name, Same Good Cause

Formerly known as the Moore Stephens Night Run, this race has undergone a name change in 2019 due to the rebranding of its main sponsor. Technopark-based Moore Stephens changed its name earlier this year to Moore Stellenbosch Inc. The name change reflects its association with Moore South Africa, which is one of the top mid-tier accountancy and consultancy networks on the African continent. The network’s core business is managing audits and dealing with multi-jurisdictional tax matters for multi-national operations. As part of the broader Moore Global, Moore Stellenbosch is part of an international group of auditors with a presence in 110 countries worldwide.

While a new name signals change, the core focus of the night run remains social upliftment. As noted by Moore Stellenbosch CEO, Margeaux Stofberg:

“We believe the rebranding to Moore Stellenbosch reflects our own aspirations to move towards a more modern firm image that is relevant for the times that we live in. Our four brand pillars – Community, Passion, Access, and Care – reminds us to uphold the promise of who we want to be as a network and complements our commitment to the Moore Night Run.”

Apart from supporting community involvement across the board, Moore Stellenbosch is also proud to be the sponsors of more than 50 children from the ANNA Foundation every year to take part in this event.

Sign Up, Get involved?

The race commences at sunset and therefore offers runners and walkers a unique experience with two beautiful routes to choose from that take them through the majestic streets of Stellenbosch. Participants can either opt for an easier, family-oriented 5km route or a more technical 10km.

The 10km run is for licensed runners only and starts at 18:30. The entry fee is R75.00 with an additional R40 for temporary licenses. The entry fee for the 5km event is R45.00.

All entries must be completed online at www.pureadventures.co.za by 17 October 2019.  No late entries are accepted.  Group entries are also accepted through nicola@maxirace.co.za.  All group entries above 20 people qualify for a spot on the rugby field with their own gazebo or advertising material.

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