
Business News

News about work, life and the bits in between.

Interested in business, technology and sustainability? Us too! We try to keep you informed about different topics related to work, life and the bits in between. We also cover general happenings in Technopark itself. So, have a read and if you like what you see, sign up to our monthly newsletter.

Turning strategy into a story

Turning strategy into a story

When we think of storytelling in business, we usually think of brand building and marketing. But storytelling can be a powerful tool to communicate your business strategy. What makes storytelling so powerful, and how can you harness it to better connect with your audience?

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Industry 4.0: How will AI impact the modern workforce?

Industry 4.0: How will AI impact the modern workforce?

Artificial intelligence (AI) plays a vital role in Industry 4.0. While AI systems are able to increase productivity and efficiency through automation, they also have the potential to seriously disrupt labour markets. What role does AI play in the fourth industrial revolution and how will this impact the workforce?

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Techno App – a smart community application for Techno Park
Techno App – a smart community application for Techno Park

Techno Park Stellenbosch is excited to move into the era of mobile applications with the launch of Techno App - a smart community application for Techno Park Stellenbosch.    The era of mobile applications   It is difficult to conceive that it has been a mere...

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Navigating uncertainty with a Stoic mindset
Navigating uncertainty with a Stoic mindset

Dealing with uncertainty is a central part of running a business. But an inability to effectively navigate life's unknowns can lead to worry and distress. How can you go about acting decisively when you feel your destiny is out of your control? Stoicism is a...

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Recognising the Signs of Corporate Burnout
Recognising the Signs of Corporate Burnout

Has a stressful year left you feeling helpless, disillusioned, and completely exhausted? You may just be in need of a well-deserved holiday. On the other hand, you may be on the road to burnout. Burnout doesn’t discriminate, and anyone in the modern workforce can fall...

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This School Will Help You See the Future Strategically
This School Will Help You See the Future Strategically

Creating Strategy in a VUCA world The ideas that have historically guided us — hierarchical structures of society and organisations, top-down governance, segmented industries, intellectual property, personal ownership — are becoming increasingly irrelevant. We have...

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What To Do About Traffic in Techno Park?
What To Do About Traffic in Techno Park?

We’re not even past February yet, but already it feels as if a number of things may be getting better in 2018. For starters, Day Zero, which until recently had been creeping steadily closer (at one stage people were estimating March 3 as the most likely date for the...

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