
Business News

News about work, life and the bits in between.

Interested in business, technology and sustainability? Us too! We try to keep you informed about different topics related to work, life and the bits in between. We also cover general happenings in Technopark itself. So, have a read and if you like what you see, sign up to our monthly newsletter.

Navigating uncertainty with a Stoic mindset

Navigating uncertainty with a Stoic mindset

Dealing with uncertainty is a central part of running a business. But an inability to effectively navigate life’s unknowns can lead to worry and distress. How can you go about acting decisively when you feel your destiny is out of your control? Stoicism is a philosophical practice built on tenets of self-control and fortitude, and it could hold some relevance for these uncertain times.

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Distraction: How technology competes for your attention

Distraction: How technology competes for your attention

The digital economy is based upon competition to consume your attention. It is therefore no wonder that technology is becoming more and more addictive. But what makes us so susceptible to these digital distractions?   Is Google making us stupid? In 2008, the...

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10 Workplace Security Tips
10 Workplace Security Tips

Every company needs to have a security policy in place to keep its employees, equipment and goods safe. The right security measures can help deter burglars or prevent unwanted visitors from entering business premises without permission. Security is something to always...

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What’s Happening To the Trees in Techno Avenue?
What’s Happening To the Trees in Techno Avenue?

So, we are finally seeing progress in the Techno Avenue improvement project. Ground has been broken and work has commenced with noticeable developments. In the interim, a key point of concern has emerged among Technoparkers - the removal of trees around the Techno...

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