Stellenbosch University #Move4Food Campaign

Stellenbosch University #Move4Food Campaign

Food insecurity amongst students is a growing problem. Stellenbosch University recently launched the #Move4Food campaign, a student-led initiative that aims to not only raise the awareness of food insecurity amongst students, but also to establish food banks on the...
4 Reasons to Bike to Work This October

4 Reasons to Bike to Work This October

October is here, bringing back the sweet aromas of spring to Stellenbosch! While spring invigorates the spirit, it can also be a time of great stress. As we shake off the winter slumber that has been shrouding our minds, we suddenly start to realise that the end of...
Clever Crooks Ring Alarm Bells in Technopark

Clever Crooks Ring Alarm Bells in Technopark

It’s half past three on a Sunday afternoon. The last embers of the lunchtime braai are slowly dying out. Your sister and brother-in-law have maneuvered their children into the Toyota, thanked you for the meal, and driven home. Taking a last sip of wine, you flop down...
What’s Happening with the Dams in Technopark?

What’s Happening with the Dams in Technopark?

As many Technoparkers have noted – some with no small degree of trepidation – the dams bordering Neutron Road are being filled with excavation material from the new Capitec building site. A number of people have taken to social media to express their alarm over what...

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