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Eliciting the deep relaxation response

Eliciting the deep relaxation response

The stress response has historically helped the vulnerable human species survive in a volatile world filled with danger. However, in our interconnected and high-paced phase of modernity, people increasingly find it difficult to put the brakes on stress. Chronic stress leads to life-threatening physical and mental health problems. In this article we briefly unpack the stress response and then look at how the relaxation response offers a helpful solution.

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Coenraad Torlage – Photographer of Our Time

Coenraad Torlage – Photographer of Our Time

Coenraad Torlage from the Stellenbosch Academy of Design and Photography was awarded the 2021 Student Photographer of the Year Award. We spoke to him about his inspirations and aspirations as a young farmer and photographer in South Africa.

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Why do we procrastinate?

Why do we procrastinate?

We’re all guilty of it, but for some procrastination can be more dangerous than others. Why do we procrastinate and how can one go about beating what seems to be a mysterious force of nature?

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Three Reasons To Walk In Your Workday
Three Reasons To Walk In Your Workday

For many of us, walking has become something of an evolutionary relic. We live fast-paced lives; who has the time to saunter through life? This ancient activity can, however, make a real contribution to your physical and mental performance. Here are three fundamental...

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