
Business News

News about work, life and the bits in between.

Interested in business, technology and sustainability? Us too! We try to keep you informed about different topics related to work, life and the bits in between. We also cover general happenings in Technopark itself. So, have a read and if you like what you see, sign up to our monthly newsletter.

Turning strategy into a story

Turning strategy into a story

When we think of storytelling in business, we usually think of brand building and marketing. But storytelling can be a powerful tool to communicate your business strategy. What makes storytelling so powerful, and how can you harness it to better connect with your audience?

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The Evolving Definition of Work-Life Balance

The Evolving Definition of Work-Life Balance

When it comes to having a positive work culture, work-life balance is a key feature. Affording your team the freedom to balance their interests and ambitions and blend work with non-work responsibilities shows that you understand and appreciate them. What does work-life balance mean to different generations and how can you go about better managing the relationship between work and life?

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5 challenges all entrepreneurs face – advice from a business coach

5 challenges all entrepreneurs face – advice from a business coach

Starting a business is no walk in the park. As an entrepreneur you have to be resilient, active and think on your feet. You face a myriad of obstacles as you make your way into the unknown. That being said, you are not alone. A little bit of help from experienced business owners can go a long way. Better yet, advice from a business coach can map a path for a profitable future.

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Distraction: How technology competes for your attention
Distraction: How technology competes for your attention

The digital economy is based upon competition to consume your attention. It is therefore no wonder that technology is becoming more and more addictive. But what makes us so susceptible to these digital distractions?   Is Google making us stupid? In 2008, the...

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