
Business Directory

Looking for a company in Technopark? Browse the business directory for more information.
Technopark Stellenbosch is home to variety of businesses and service providers that make up our vibrant community. Find who you are looking for in the Technopark Business Directory or sign up for free if you are located in the office park.

UDS Africa

Contact: Elmarie Els
Work Unit 8 Time Square Building 9 Elektron Road Stellenbosch South Africa Work Phone: 021 880 0443 Website: www.udsafrica.co.za


Photo of UDS Africa

UDS Africa is a unique Professional Service Provider (PSP) within the built environment and is a Level 1 BBBEE contributor. We offer professional development solutions and expert consulting service to government, public and private sector clients primarily in Southern Africa.

Our collective of highly qualified and experienced professionals provide a synergy of valuable complimentary services across the fields of consulting engineering, landscape architecture, environmental planning and urban revitalisation.

We are passionate about cultural diversity, creating vibrant and sustainable developments and enriching civic spaces.

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Unit 8 Time Square Building Stellenbosch South Africa

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