
Business Directory

Looking for a company in Technopark? Browse the business directory for more information.
Technopark Stellenbosch is home to variety of businesses and service providers that make up our vibrant community. Find who you are looking for in the Technopark Business Directory or sign up for free if you are located in the office park.


Work 19 Elektron Avenue Cap Du Mont Stellenbosch 7600 Cell Phone: +27 21 880 8254 Website: http://www.fireworksinnovation.co.za/


FireWorks takes new products from concept to production.We quickly and cheaply refine the concepts, test the viability and mitigate the key risks. In 1-3 months we do multiple iterations with real-world usage. Our cross-functional team will work with your organisation to provide you with a clear path to full-scale launch.

Roadmap Satellite Connections Business Directory | Leaflet Connections Business Directory | Leaflet

19 Elektron Avenue Cap Du Mont Stellenbosch 7600

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