
Business Directory

Looking for a company in Technopark? Browse the business directory for more information.
Technopark Stellenbosch is home to variety of businesses and service providers that make up our vibrant community. Find who you are looking for in the Technopark Business Directory or sign up for free if you are located in the office park.

Admin Divas

Contact: Cindy Carnie
Work 12 Meson Close Technopark Stellenbosch 7600 South Africa Work Phone: 210230164 Website: http://www.admindivas.co.za


Admin Divas caters for the busy individual or companies needing part-time or full time administrative support.

Think of Admin Divas as your personal admin partner in need. We are there to help when you need it most. Our highly skilled professional team of assistants will take charge of your admin so that you can focus on what is important to you.

We offer Personal Administration Services and Business Administration Support.

Roadmap Satellite Connections Business Directory | Leaflet Connections Business Directory | Leaflet

12 Meson Close Technopark Stellenbosch 7600 South Africa

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