
Business Directory

Looking for a company in Technopark? Browse the business directory for more information.
Technopark Stellenbosch is home to variety of businesses and service providers that make up our vibrant community. Find who you are looking for in the Technopark Business Directory or sign up for free if you are located in the office park.

Adept ICT

Work 16 Elektron Avenue Stellenbosch South Africa Work Phone: 021 888 6500 Website: http://www.adept.co.za



Adept ICT was launched in January 1996 in Stellenbosch, and is today one of the oldest independent Service Providers in South Africa. To be Adept is to be proficient and expertly accomplished. This is what we strive for and have achieved in all our services.

We cater for a vast variety of service needs. Our client base is broad and diverse, with customers based across the country. To them, we offer superlative services and products that we ourselves have complete confidence in, at all levels of information technology.

Many of our solutions are tailor-made, in order to perfectly suit each client’s individual requirements. We thus ensure that our approach is personal and conforms to exactly what is needed in order to be successful.

Connectivity Services

Whether you’re one individual with nothing but home browsing needs, or a large office park with many tenants and hundreds of employees, trust in us to get you connected. And keep you connected, in the way that helps you achieve and maintain your best.

Hosted Services

Take the strain away by allowing us to host your communications, web platform and data requirements.

Data Centre Services

Relinquish the need for large infrastructure investments by hosting your servers and networks through our industry-standard Data Centre.

Managed Services

From monitoring your ICT structures to making sure your firewalls are performing optimally, we encourage our clients to consolidate their services under our umbrella to allow for maximum efficiency and efficacy. Talk to us about a bespoke solution that’s perfect for you.

Irrespective if you are a one-man home business or a multiple network organization, Adept will provide you with the most reliable, cost effective and technically supported solutions available.

For more information on our services and pricelists, please visit our website.

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Roadmap Satellite Connections Business Directory | Leaflet Connections Business Directory | Leaflet

16 Elektron Avenue Stellenbosch South Africa

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