
Business Directory

Looking for a company in Technopark? Browse the business directory for more information.
Technopark Stellenbosch is home to variety of businesses and service providers that make up our vibrant community. Find who you are looking for in the Technopark Business Directory or sign up for free if you are located in the office park.
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Cape Solace

Contact: Christopher Geel
Work Unit 5a Innovation Centre 1 Meson Street Stellenbosch 7600 Work Phone: 0210017766 Website: https://capesolace.co.za/

Capitec Bank Head Office

Work Stellenbosch Ikhaya 5 Neutron Road Stellenbosch Work Phone: 0860 10 20 43 Website: http://capitecbank.co.za

CIA Property Specialists

Contact: Louis Boje
Work Unit 2 3 Meson Close Technopark Stellenbosch Cell Phone: 082 854 9346 Work Phone: 021 202 3456 Website: http://www.CIAgents.co.za


Work 22 Techno Drive Cotillion Place Section 4 Stellenbosch 7600 Cell Phone: +27218802515 Website: https://www.ciatti.com/ciatti-south-africa/

Cornerstone Cafe

Contact: Craig Brown
Work Datavoice House 16 Elektron Road Techno Park Stellenbosch 7600 Cell Phone: 0715354801 Website: https://cornerstonecafe.company.site/

CREO Design

Work 9 Quantum Street Technostell Building Stellenbosch Work Phone: 021 880 0223 Website: http://www.creo.co.za

Crowe HZK

Work 5 Elektron Road Block D8 Octo Place Stellenbosch 7600 Work Phone: 0218807940 Website: https://www.crowe.com/za

CS Property Group

Work 9 Elektron Street Time Square Stellenbosch Work Phone: 021 880 2672 Website: https://csprop.co.za

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