
Business News

News about work, life and the bits in between.

Interested in business, technology and sustainability? Us too! We try to keep you informed about different topics related to work, life and the bits in between. We also cover general happenings in Technopark itself. So, have a read and if you like what you see, sign up to our monthly newsletter.

Powering performance through sleep

Powering performance through sleep

Quality sleep is as important to us as food and water. We often, however, neglect it as a part of the recovery process. In order to operate at your peak, your body and mind need to take a break. Let’s look at why sleep is so important for performance and recovery.

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Navigating uncertainty with a Stoic mindset

Navigating uncertainty with a Stoic mindset

Dealing with uncertainty is a central part of running a business. But an inability to effectively navigate life’s unknowns can lead to worry and distress. How can you go about acting decisively when you feel your destiny is out of your control? Stoicism is a philosophical practice built on tenets of self-control and fortitude, and it could hold some relevance for these uncertain times.

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Recognising the Signs of Corporate Burnout

Recognising the Signs of Corporate Burnout

Has a stressful year left you feeling helpless, disillusioned, and completely exhausted? You may just be in need of a well-deserved holiday. On the other hand, you may be on the road to burnout. Burnout doesn’t discriminate, and anyone in the modern workforce can fall into its foul grasp. Let’s take a look at the signs of corporate burnout and establish some preventative measures to help you and your team overcome it.

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The Evolving Definition of Work-Life Balance
The Evolving Definition of Work-Life Balance

Finding that perfect work-life balance can feel a bit like catching lightning in a bottle. That probably isn’t too surprising though, because it is constantly evolving. And if the last two years have taught us anything, it is that things can suddenly change. With a...

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Healthy sleep for better workplace productivity
Healthy sleep for better workplace productivity

Modern-day living does not always embrace the need for adequate sleep. Sleep is however essential for survival. If you want the best performance from your employees, it is vital that both you and your employees understand the fundamental importance of sleep.  ...

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