
Business Directory

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Technopark Stellenbosch is home to variety of businesses and service providers that make up our vibrant community. Find who you are looking for in the Technopark Business Directory or sign up for free if you are located in the office park.

EMMS Antennas

Contact: Johan van Staden
Work 18 Techno Avenue Technopark Stellenbosch 7600 Work Phone: 0218801188 Website: https://www.emssantennas.com/


Our primary focus is to support radio astronomy, by designing highly optimised reflector surfaces and by producing extremely sensitive radio receivers and RFI-quiet related equipment.

We have been doing this since 2006, and have a unique skill-set which reflects the equipment we design, produce and maintain.  We are vertically integrated and take part from initial user requirement clarification through design and development, ISO9001 manufacturing and intensive product testing, to setting-to-work at the telescope locations with follow-on warranty and maintenance support.

Radio astronomy is a wonderful blend between extreme precision technologies, an open international community for idea sharing, unusually educated clients and ultimately the peaceful end-user locations of South Africa’s harsh Karoo desert and similar sites elsewhere. 

We thoroughly enjoy the fortuitous and timely participation in these endeavours – while the sky is still quiet enough to engage in surface-based radio astronomy.

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18 Techno Avenue Technopark Stellenbosch 7600

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